1900 58 58 28
172 Nguyen Oanh Street,17 Ward, Go Vap District, HCM CITY
25 Oct


25-10-2017 14:28:09 1363

Presents, even at the public house, restaurant, a small or medium business house also need to be having some of security guards. So no reason why the office security company is developing more and more. VGS Security Company for that reason focuses more on the expading of this field all over the country. At the moment, we has been becoming the trusted place to many clients when they have demand.

We have been and being brought a lot of the kinds of service for the most of variety of customers. We concentrate and take care of the demand of customers by determining clearly the strategy targets. The companies and offices are the one of the most potential customers which VGS always tend to.

Office security service company over the country contributed to create jobs for the huge of laborers. We construct the best conditions for them to have the sane enviroment. As well as responding to the demand of finding security guards of many companies.

Detaily, the large of companies, organs know that they want to have the security team but they can not clarify how many people they need or the position they have to have somone to lock. Besides that, it is important that the quality of the job and supporting the best for their operation.

Going to VGS Security, caring customer system will be expalined and guided clearly about the step of using human resources in the best way. They also train and couch the neccessary skills to complete their misions.

Technic skills: basical wushu of the security guard, using well-trained the specialized facilities, supporting to the jobs, always train to enhance experience and workmanship.

Soft skills: communication skill, negotiation skill, dismissing the crowd, convincing skill, observation skill, detective skill and quick handling to urgent situation are hepled the staffs cleverly in cconducting mision.

From the begining, VGS Security have trend to our staffs the missions of keeping security of the area, protecing people’s assets, people and company’s  assets. We allocate resources based on the principle of arranged shift for security guards such as:

  For the main gate security, it need to assign more people than the others. The main mision of the security guards is controlling the in and out of the company or office. Beside that, we also have the duty of responding to the bad situations if someone who don not have duty sneak into the internal area, taking precaution to the robbing case,...

  For the elevator section security (if have), this position just need one person. He will check the movable people of the company, office again, instructing the using of elevator, preventing, detecting in time if having accident, trouble when applying elevator of the clients.


  For each floor security, the principal mision of security guards is to patrol dwelling, hallway, facilities ( light, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, checking the turning –off the equipment, locking the door after working hours,...) of this floor. Making certain to the company’s assets, guiding to find the right office, reminding the people who smoke or using illegal regulation in office environment, checking warehouse, toilet, the action of strange man on this floor,...

  For the vehicle basement security, it is important position to protect the office employment ‘s assets. They can feel safety to work.

  For supervising camera security, in the presents, almost the office and company are installed the camera to observe easily the situation, early detect the troubles about fire, robbing,...For that, the job of security guard is always supervising camera to know the general situation of the company, office, recognizing in time and responding to the bad cases.


Like that, the security service is the neccessary factor to the company, business office, administration. For that reason, VGS Security is continuously improving the recruitment, training, couching to supply the demand of the office security service over the country.

VGS Security – the long – lasting partner of smart customer.



Headquarters : 172 Nguyen Oanh Street, Ward 17, Go Vap District, HCM CITY 

Tổng đài: 1900 585 828  – Fax: (08) 398 420 59 - Hotline : 0938 139 389

Mail: info@thangloitoancau.com